Monday, December 9, 2013

The most important thing in life

Everything in life changes us - in a visible or invisible way - touches our inner world and transforms us. It's good to realize one’s own participation in this change.

Every life situation is neither good or bad until we choose how it will change us. Whether you will take out the best or the worst from it. Whether it will make you weaker or stronger, more fearful or more daring...

“The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.”  - Jim Rohn.

Sometimes we delude ourselves with the false conception that if we had this or that, e.g. more money or more opportunities, more friends, more connections, etc. - then our lives would be a lot better. And maybe they would be...

But in the end life is not about what we have, but who we are.

This is simply because humankind has evolved in the following way: we are not happy, joyful and complete just because of what we have, but rather because of what we are able to appreciate. There are so many people - seemingly satisfied while gaining more and more possessions - only to discover that the key of happiness is not hidden in what you possess, but in who you really are.

“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”  - Anaïs Nin

The most important person in your life is you

And this is not a call to become selfish or narcissistic, but just to pay attention that sometimes we spend too much of our time proving ourselves to others; fighting for what others would think of us; bothering too much how we are perceived by others while robbing our own precious time to understand how we perceive ourselves. Striving for other people’s love towards us while forgetting to love ourselves. To value, appreciate and understand ourselves.

The most important factor for the quality of our lives lies within us. Yes, other people influence our lives, but it’s our hands to choose exactly who and how will take part of it.

"If you’re still looking for the man who can change your life, look in the mirror." - 
Roman Price

With your qualities and limitations, ideas and inspirations, dreams, fears, bitterness of the past, longing for the future and most of all - with your acts and your omissions - you create your world more than anyone else.

The most important thing in life .. is not a thing but a person.

And that person is you.

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My Journey To Harmony and Inner Peace by Maria Nikolova is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.